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an Evangelical Orthodox Church, in the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church.

Image by Borna Bevanda
Image by Alex Shute

Sunday Service
(Divine Liturgy)

Sunday's @ 10 am

Welcome to pray, worship and give thanks to God in the Divine Liturgy on Sunday's. Every Sunday there is "Kids Church" parallel to the liturgy. The second Sunday of the month we share a potluck after the liturgy. 

Image by Alex Shute

Morning Prayers

Wednesdays @ 7 am

Begin the day with prayer. Join the church as it awakens from sleep to live and grow for the sake of the world. Light breakfast after. 

New Here?

You are welcome to join any of the services of prayer and worship to learn more about the Christian faith and what it means to follow Jesus with the power of the Holy Spirit. We are excited to share the good news of hope, peace, love and reconciliation with you. More information below.

Evening Prayer

Saturday's @ 7 pm

Once per month join in the Evening Prayer  of the Church, preparing for the coming of the Light on Sunday morning. Next Compline is February 22nd.

Holy Covenant Church

A church in the Evangelical Orthodox Communion of Churches and a part of the One, Holy, Catholic and Apostolic Church. 

The mission of the Evangelical Orthodox Church is to proclaim and to live out, in the Church and in the world, the reconciliation with God that is ours in Jesus Christ, to the end that God might be all in all and glorified above all.

(Colossians 1:15 - 20, 1 Corinthians 15:27 - 28

As a major aspect of the ministry of reconciliation, we will strive to restore to unity all the treasures of God that have been torn apart due to sin, holding in proper balance and tension the paradoxes of:


- the Church and the world 

- order and creativity

- form and freedom

- unity and diversity

- tradition and renewal, etc. 


In that pursuit of balance, we endeavor to be true to our name: “evangelical” – living and proclaiming the good news of the gospel through strong Biblical preaching, teaching, and evangelism, and encouraging people to a personal relationship with Jesus Christ; and “orthodox” – authentically centered in Christ as He has been and continues to be revealed through apostolic Faith and Tradition

Upcoming Events

Image by arquidis molina

At Holy Covenant we hope to follow the Way of Jesus and engage in the rhythms of life made present in the seasons of the Church. Currently, it is the season of Epiphany. The season of baptism revelation, rebirth, renewal, and regeneration.


We also encourage you to better know the story of Gods love and truth through the reading of Scriptures moving through the liturgical year. Please find the current lectionary, a reading plan here.

If you want to learn more about following the Way of Jesus we invite you to Catechism, a journey (10 sessions) of learning about the Way of Jesus. The next Catechism begins in February 2nd, 2025. Please send an email to if you would like to participate. 

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