Teams & People
At Holy Covenant people are involved in different areas of ministry and service. There are ordained people, people on staff, people who volunteer and people who support, pray and serve in different capacities as part of the Way of life. Holy Covenant believes that the best way to serve the different needs in the community is to nurture, express and share the gift God has placed in you. When people are invited and encouraged to function in the identity and gifting they have, good things happen on both the giving and the receiving sides of a relationship.

Jakob Palm
Favourite quote:
"The church must change to remain the same."
fr. Alexander Schmemann
Tysyn Cardinal
Subdeacon, Pastor - Evangelical Focus

Clergy and Ministry Team
fr. Al Rung, Dcn Christopher Babyak, Dcn Aaron Munro, Rachel Doell (Kids Church), Ashley Cardinal, Karla Munro (Bookings),
Board of Trustees
fr. Al Rung, Candace Ahmed, Audrey Gliege, Chad Doell, Jaeda Smith, bp. Jakob Palm